Requirements for wicker production

The base diameter ≤ 1.2cm, no bifurcation, good finish, no spots, ≤ 40 spots within 1m in length, no bifurcation, full stripe, the root tip ratio within 1m is ≤ 1mm, and it is folded into a circle 30 times the diameter of the wicker without interruption, the wet stripe is green, the dry stripe is clean white, and there is no obvious variegation. Product without eggs

1. Variety: green bud, red bud and white bud in white willow.
2. Site conditions: select loam or sandy loam with tillage layer ≥ 25cm, pH value between 6 and 7, and organic matter content ≥ 1.5.
3. Cultivation management:
(1) Cutting: select strong stems, cut into 20cm sections, insert 14cm into the soil, and expose 3-4 buds. The cutting time is February, July and November, and the dosage per mu is 150 kg.
(2) Planting density: ≤ 126000 plants per hectare.
(3) Fertilizer and water management: mainly organic fertilizer, topdressing N, P, K quick acting compound fertilizer, of which organic fertilizer is ≥ 45 m3 per hectare. Water management: irrigate timely in case of drought in the wicker pulling season (May, August, October), but do not make the field have bright water.
(4) Shooting: The wicker grows about 1 m in spring, and the second crop grows to about 0.5 m in autumn. Remove all the buds on the side of the wicker.
4. Gains:
(1) Harvesting period: two crops a year, the first crop is from June 20 to July 10, and the second crop is in December.
(2) Harvesting requirements: Harvest in sunny days and peel the strips in time; Peel the autumn strips after harvesting and stacking.
5. Quality requirements for wicker.
The base diameter ≤ 1.2cm, no bifurcation, good finish, no spots, ≤ 40 spots within 1m in length, no bifurcation, full stripe, the root tip ratio within 1m is ≤ 1mm, and it is folded into a circle 30 times the diameter of the wicker without interruption, the wet stripe is green, the dry stripe is clean white, and there is no obvious variegation. Product without eggs